Download PDF Todesschimmer Thriller German Edition eBook Marcus Hünnebeck

By Virginia Zamora on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Download PDF Todesschimmer Thriller German Edition eBook Marcus Hünnebeck

Download As PDF : Todesschimmer Thriller German Edition eBook Marcus Hünnebeck

Download PDF Todesschimmer Thriller German Edition eBook Marcus Hünnebeck

Der Nr.1-Bestseller von Marcus Hünnebeck für kurze Zeit zum Einführungspreis!

In einer dunklen Seele entbrennt der Hass …

Lukas Sommer und Robert Drosten jagen einen Mörder, der seine Opfer erwürgt und ihre Haut mit einem Stern verziert. Als ein junges Paar dem Verbrecher zufällig in die Quere kommt, flieht der Mann Hals über Kopf. Die Polizisten identifizieren anhand der zurückgelassenen Beweise den berühmten Schauspieler Leander Hell als Verdächtigen. Bevor sie ihn verhaften können, verschwindet der Prominente spektakulär von der Bildfläche. Von nun an kennt er nur noch ein Ziel Er will sich an seinen Verfolgern rächen. Während Hell ein Massaker vorbereitet, läuft den Polizisten die Zeit davon. Beobachtet von der Öffentlichkeit fragen sich Sommer und Drosten, wie man einen Mann fängt, den seine Fans bedingungslos unterstützen – selbst wenn das am Ende ihren eigenen Tod bedeutet.

Stimmen zu anderen Hünnebeck-Thrillern

»Ich hab das Buch verschlungen und nicht eher aus der Hand gelegt bis es ausgelesen war. Die Geschichte hat mich in den Bann gezogen. Protagonisten und Story waren überzeugend. Der Schreibstil hat mich mitgenommen.« (Bettina Reitz)
»Spannend geschrieben gefällt mir der Schreibstil des Autors ausserordentlich gut. Ich habe diesen Thriller innerhalb eines Tages verschlungen und bin sehr dankbar für aufregende Lesestunden mit sympathischen Ermittlern« (Manuela)
»Wie alle Bücher von Marcus Hünnebeck, war Muttertränen wieder ein Genuss an Spannung & rasantem Tempo!!! Ich finde, dass Thriller nicht unbedingt an die 600 Seiten haben muss, um eventuelle Spannung aufzubauen.( die sie dann oft nicht haben ) Das ist bei Hünnebeck das Tolle, indem ich das Buch vor lauter Neugierde in einem Rutsch lesen konnte.« (Eva)
»Ich hatte mich schon auf das Buch gefreut und war auch von diesem Buch mehr als begeistert, spannend geschrieben, eindrucksvolle Geschichte. Bitte noch mehr davon!« (Katrin Skopp)

Download PDF Todesschimmer Thriller German Edition eBook Marcus Hünnebeck


Product details

  • File Size 1434 KB
  • Print Length 332 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 8, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language German

Read Todesschimmer Thriller German Edition eBook Marcus Hünnebeck

Tags : Buy Todesschimmer Thriller (German Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Marcus Hünnebeck,Todesschimmer Thriller (German Edition),Fiction / General,Fiction / Thrillers / General

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Ebook Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books

By Virginia Zamora on Monday, June 3, 2019

Ebook Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books

Download As PDF : Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books

Download PDF Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books

The fourth book in the beloved Harry Potter series, now illustrated in glorious full color by award-winning artist Jim Kay.

Harry Potter wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the mysterious event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. Unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal - even by wizarding standards. And in this case, different can be deadly.

With dazzling illustrations from Jim Kay, this new fully illustrated edition of the complete and unabridged text of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is sure to delight fans and first-time readers alike.

Ebook Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books


Product details

  • Age Range 8 and up
  • Grade Level 3 - 6
  • Series Harry Potter (Book 4)
  • Hardcover 464 pages
  • Publisher Arthur A. Levine Books; Illustrated edition (October 8, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0545791421

Read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books

Tags : Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition [J. K. Rowling, Jim Kay] on . <DIV>The fourth book in the beloved Harry Potter series, now illustrated in glorious full color by award-winning artist Jim Kay. Harry Potter wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione,J. K. Rowling, Jim Kay,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition,Arthur A. Levine Books,0545791421,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION / Action Adventure / General,JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy Magic,JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Friendship,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction/Action Adventure - General,Juvenile Fiction/Social Themes - Friendship,Juvenile Grades 4-6 Ages 9-11

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Illustrated Edition J K Rowling Jim Kay 9780545791427 Books Reviews :

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PDF Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books

By Virginia Zamora

PDF Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books

Download As PDF : Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books

Download PDF Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu&#39une Carte D&#39anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D&#39anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books

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This book is the perfect birthday gift! It’s fun, unique and sure to put a smile on their face. Great for a friend, loved one, or acquaintance, it will remind them of that special birthday for years to come.

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PDF Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 106 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (April 5, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 1092840214

Read Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu&#39une Carte D&#39anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D&#39anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books

Tags : Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier. (French Edition) [Karlon Douglas, Level Up Designs] on . <b>Tu veux voir si nous avons l'âge que vous recherchez sur l'un de nos livres d'anniversaire? Il suffit de rechercher les mots Level Up Designs + l'âge vous êtes à la recherche + anniversaire,Karlon Douglas, Level Up Designs,Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu’une Carte D’anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D’anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier. (French Edition),Independently published,1092840214,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Activities,Pets / Horses

Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books Reviews :

More aboutPDF Joyeux 23e Anniversaire Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! Licorne Mignonne sur un Livre D'anniversaire Cupcake qui peut être Utilisé comme un Journal ou un Cahier French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs 9781092840217 Books

Read Der Sonne nach 9783446262607 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Read Der Sonne nach 9783446262607 Books

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  • Perfect Paperback
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3446262601

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PDF The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books

By Virginia Zamora

PDF The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books

Download As PDF : The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books

Download PDF The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books

Inspired by The Hobbit and begun in 1937, The Lord of the Rings is a trilogy that J.R.R. Tolkien created to provide "the necessary background of history for Elvish tongues". From these academic aspirations was born one of the most popular and imaginative works in English literature.

The Fellowship of the Ring, the first volume in the trilogy, tells of the fateful power of the One Ring. It begins a magnificent tale of adventure that will plunge the members of the Fellowship of the Ring into a perilous quest and set the stage for the ultimate clash between the powers of good and evil.

In this splendid, unabridged audio production of Tolkien's great work, all the inhabitants of a magical universe - hobbits, elves, and wizards - step colorfully into life. Rob Inglis' narration has been praised as a masterpiece of audio.

PDF The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books

"What can you say about a classic? I'd never read these books all the way through before, and was determined to try, despite remembering what I had read as being tedious and somewhat purple-prose-ish. I apparently remembered wrong - coming back as an adult, these are beautiful books, very well-written and of course true epic fantasy. It may be that my tastes have changed, or just that I've matured, but these will definitely be reread many times.

My only issue is that with the Kindle version, the footnotes seemed to be messed up. Many of them only bring up a page number (with no link), which may be how it was in the original books, but others seem to apply to footnotes further down the page, or just not at all to the thing they're noted from. Frustrating."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 19 hours and 7 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Recorded Books
  • Release Date October 9, 2012
  • Language English, English

Read The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books

Tags : The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Audible Audio Edition) J. R. R. Tolkien, Rob Inglis, Recorded Books Books, ,J. R. R. Tolkien, Rob Inglis, Recorded Books,The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy,Recorded Books,B0099SNQYG

The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books Reviews :

The Fellowship of the Ring Book One in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Audible Audio Edition J R R Tolkien Rob Inglis Recorded Books Books Reviews

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Read Online Ugo Foscolo Biografia e poesie parafrasi e analisi Italian Edition eBook Studia Rapido

By Virginia Zamora

Read Online Ugo Foscolo Biografia e poesie parafrasi e analisi Italian Edition eBook Studia Rapido

Product details

  • File Size 706 KB
  • Print Length 46 pages
  • Publisher Studia Rapido (February 8, 2019)
  • Publication Date February 8, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

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Download True Kisses 03 German Edition eBook Fumie Akuta Claudia Peter

By Virginia Zamora on Sunday, June 2, 2019

Download True Kisses 03 German Edition eBook Fumie Akuta Claudia Peter

Product details

  • File Size 185007 KB
  • Print Length 176 pages
  • Publisher Egmont; 1 edition (March 7, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 7, 2019
  • Language German

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Download PDF Livy The Early History of Rome Books IV Penguin Classics Bks 15 Titus Livy Aubrey De Selincourt Stephen Oakley 8601300102276 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download PDF Livy The Early History of Rome Books IV Penguin Classics Bks 15 Titus Livy Aubrey De Selincourt Stephen Oakley 8601300102276 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 496 pages
  • Publisher Penguin Classics; Revised edition (June 25, 2002)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0140448098

Livy The Early History of Rome Books IV Penguin Classics Bks 15 Titus Livy Aubrey De Selincourt Stephen Oakley 8601300102276 Books Reviews

  • The Early History of Rome is a interesting book. It is a hard read, but it is a good book to have (especially if you like history).

    The man who wrote this book, Titus Livius (Livy), lived from 59 B.C. to 17 A.D. He wrote 142 books on the history of Rome from 753 B.C. to 9 B.C. and only 35 books have survived. This book is about the first 5 books starting at the beginning when Rome was founded and ending after Romans take back their city and defeat the Gauls.
    The book also works fine on my fire. There was a couple times when there were 2 pages of the same page or when 2 pages were the same, but when you keep on reading you notice they skipped a page. So you go back, and when you do, both pages are the same again. They are of a different page though, and you see it is the page you were missing (this only happened 2 times). But, besides that, it was pretty good. So I would totally recommend this book to anyone who wants to read about the history of Rome.
  • My title comes from Livy's opening page and it speaks to what I think is the essential point that one has to think about when deciding whether or not to read Livy. And, by the way, I think that is a serious question. Even in a long life, there are only so many books you can read. To start on Livy in the Penguin Classics edition is to start a reading project of well over two thousand pages.
    The answer to the question is dependent on what you are looking for. If you are looking to a well-researched history of early Rome then this volume of Livy (which covers Rome from its founding in the sixth century B.C.E. to 390 BC)is not for you. I recommend T.J. Cornell's The Beginnings of Rome instead.
    My point is that Livy is not writing history as we know it. In his introduction, Livy makes it clear that he is trying to hold up to the watered-down Romans of his day the distant mirror of the Romans of the past. He is trying to remind his compatriots of the greatness that was Rome.
    What he writes in this volume is a sort of national hagiography. He does so by telling small sequential stories that have moral climaxes usually in a great speech by one of the Romans, speeches that we can only regard as having been totally made up and which share many tropes with the speeches in Homer among other writers.
    We apparently have few of the sources that Livy used in his history. Unless I am mistaken, he was largely dependent on the annalistic historical tradition. This accounts for many features of his history- not least the annual listing of who served in what office, what were the auguries that occured during that year and what fantastic omens occurred.
    So, in effect, what we have in Livy could be considered a historical novel with few clear lines as to when the novel ends and the history begins. I would guess that the later volumes are founded on more solid history (as we define it) but I reserve judgment on that until I read those later volumes.
    But here is the thing. Livy wrote a really good historical novel if such it is. He tells the stories of Aeneus, of Romulus and Remus, of the Tarquins, of the rape of the Sabines, the rape of Lucretia, the battle of the Horatii and the Curiatii, of the fall of the kings, the creation of the consuls, the struggles of the plebians(yeah!) and the patricians(boo!), the creation of the tribunate, and the creation of the military tribunes. We are guided through the almost annual depradations by the dastardly Volscians or the pesky Aequian on through the destruction of Veii and then the sacking of Rome by the Gauls. We come to realize that during this period Rome never started the trouble with the neighbors. It is one of Livy's more obvious moral lessons that the one time that they did start the trouble, the city was sacked. We learn of wonderful, complicated figures such as Marcus Furius Camillus or Coriolanus.
    The final argument I will make for a reading of Livy in this brief space is that he serves as an entry point to understanding so many other people and events in later history. For example, our Founding Fathers (no such men exist these days!)felt that the history contained in writers like Livy and Plutarch provided the knowledge needed for understanding government and the world of politics. These writers influenced our history directly. Read the debates at the Constitutional Convention. There is much reference within Madison's Notes to what he learned in Livy among other writers.
    Another example- Machiavelli wrote his Discourses as a commentary on Livy. Arguably he changed the history of political theory in so doing.
    Another example- Shakespeare based his Roman plays on Livy and Plutarch.
    And finally while Livy may not be Roman history as we would understand that term, he is the best of all possible places to start your study of Roman history. His history was very popular. It fit the Roman self-image. That is an important point to grasp in the study of any people. Rome and her history await you in all her glory. Livy is the best door through which to enter. He is a delight to read, he expands your soul and his history is a great medicine for any mind.
    p.s. As is probably obvious, I am new to study of ancient history and philosophy. Please feel free to correct any egregious errors in a comment. Learn, I must.
  • I'm an amateur of classical Roman history. Nothing published, no letters after my name....just a passion for all things Roman. It makes a perfect excuse for an european vacation...and when you know the back ground of the sites you are visiting, the whole thing comes alive!

    One thing I really learned in this text is that history, espically ancient history, is a mixture of reality and myth. You may learn some facts about events, but moreso, you see how these events were precieved by the participants based on their world view. This book has done that perfectly.

    The writting is smooth and its an easy read. In it you find the drama and passion and glory of Roman thru Roman eyes and watch as the...Culture, not just the city or the army, grows into a world power.
    Its everything you will find in any TV drama.. deception, hurbris, cunning, avrice...and a the glory that was once Rome!
  • Really interesting history on the early Roman period, a time period which isn't really as famous or explored as the later Roman eras. It can be a bit dry and dull at points, but it is really interesting to see the rise of Roman politics and beliefs as told by a descendant in the later eras.
  • When I rate works in translation I do so based on accessibility of translation, significance of work, and any issues of accuracy I could find.

    Livy's work is quite significant though probably of limited historical value (as the introduction discusses). On the other hand, some philologists have found Livy's work (including Dumezil) to contain patters common to other Indo-European societies and hence probably based on earlier oral and epic traditions which do not come down to us from other sources. For comparative Indo-European studies, as well as studies into early Rome, this work is indispensable.

    The translation is quite accessible. Highly recommended.
  • Awesome read. Fascinating history, pleasantly presented. Classic.
  • After i became hooked on reading Suetonius and Plutarch because of interest in the first century Romans, Livy was
    another writer who can really give you a feel for the archaic period, eg., Romulus, Decius Mus, Marcus Manlius, Scipio
    etc. who have really exciting stories not really duplicated anywhere else. His writing and this translation is brilliant.
  • A classical book through the ancient eyes of a proud Roman. It takes you through the days of early Rome. The notes are very helpful to distinguish between myths and facts. The dates at the top helpf to corrolate with other histories a person may have read (e.g. Herodotus, Thuycidides). Anyone looking for a strictly historical review in the modern sense will be disappointed, but for any who are interested in the mindset of the Roman world, this book is a must.
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Read Online À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah French Edition edition by Stefany Thorne Literature Fiction eBooks

By Virginia Zamora

Read Online À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah French Edition edition by Stefany Thorne Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah French Edition edition by Stefany Thorne Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF À JAMAIS L&#39indomptable Carah French Edition  edition by Stefany Thorne Literature Fiction eBooks

« Nos différences sont une force dont il faut apprivoiser le destin… »

À présent reine de Bavery, Carah tente de faire son devoir sans pour autant s’effacer sous le poids du protocole. Seulement, les choses ne s’avèrent pas aussi faciles et magiques que dans les contes de fées. Harcelée par sa maison d’édition et la cour de Bavery, elle mène une rude bataille pour rester fidèle à ses convictions et à elle-même.
Quant à James, il est assailli par ses responsabilités et les maladresses de sa femme qui n’en finissent pas de lui pourrir l’existence, se demandant si elle est réellement faite pour régner sur son royaume. Par chance, nos héros pourront compter sur Éléonore et son ange gardien pour saupoudrer de magie et d’espoir notre couple royal.
Entre passion et devoir, Carah rayonnera-t-elle encore malgré le poids de la couronne ? Nos tourtereaux sauront-ils surpasser leurs différences pour en faire une force ? L’amour résistera-t-il à ce protocole ancestral qui n’en finit pas de les diviser ?
À jamais revient pour notre plus grand bonheur, toujours aussi féérique et palpitant par les situations cocasses et rocambolesques de notre héroïne au grand cœur.

Biographie de l'auteure

Née à Suresnes en 1980, Stefany Thorne dévore les livres et écrit depuis son plus jeune âge. Mordue de littérature et profondément romantique, elle ressent très vite l’envie de coucher sous sa plume une histoire d’amour.
Elle donne vie à Melinda Evans & Aïden Kyle dans FOREVER et propose son histoire sur la plateforme de lecture Wattpad où elle remporte un franc succès. Son roman est élu « Meilleur scénario – Romance » par les lecteurs aux WFTD AWARD 2015.
Suite à cet engouement, elle décide de tenter sa chance en se lançant dans l’auto-publication de son ouvrage. Quelques jours plus tard, elle signe avec Reines-Beaux pour la version papier de la saga FOREVER, ce qui permet à son livre de devenir un des best-sellers de l’année 2015.

Read Online À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah French Edition edition by Stefany Thorne Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 723 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Stefany Thorne; 1 edition (May 24, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 24, 2019
  • Language French

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Tags : À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah (French Edition) - edition by Stefany Thorne. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah (French Edition).,ebook,Stefany Thorne,À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah (French Edition),Stefany Thorne,Fiction / Romance / Romantic Comedy,Fiction / Romance / Contemporary

À JAMAIS L'indomptable Carah French Edition edition by Stefany Thorne Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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PDF Fratelli Agata Privitera Italian Edition edition by Agata Privitera Literature Fiction eBooks

By Virginia Zamora

PDF Fratelli Agata Privitera Italian Edition edition by Agata Privitera Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 684 KB
  • Print Length 358 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date February 24, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

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Ebook Lonely Planet Tokyo Travel Guide Lonely Planet Rebecca Milner Simon Richmond 9781786570338 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Ebook Lonely Planet Tokyo Travel Guide Lonely Planet Rebecca Milner Simon Richmond 9781786570338 Books

Product details

  • Series Travel Guide
  • Paperback 288 pages
  • Publisher Lonely Planet; 11 edition (August 15, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781786570338
  • ISBN-13 978-1786570338
  • ASIN 1786570335

Lonely Planet Tokyo Travel Guide Lonely Planet Rebecca Milner Simon Richmond 9781786570338 Books Reviews

  • Recently went to Tokyo for the first time. I loved this book and the recommendations in it! When my husband and I travel we like to map out our own paths and see places from our own perspective. This book enabled us to do just that!
  • Great book with all the essentials. Not the easiest to follow in terms of how the book is laid out, but it has a ton of information. We used it to learn about all of the different neighborhoods in Tokyo, and made sure we hit at least one or two of the sites in most of the neighborhoods. for the food recommendations, we just used Yelp, although the BEST meal we had in Toyko was some totally random really local place that we just stumbled into, and we were the only non-Japanese there. We just pointed at pictures on the menu and hoped for the best, and it was a GREAT meal.
  • First travel tip anytime you take the subway just ask someone that works for train company. My Japanese friend from Tokyo had to do just that the system is just really complex. Second If you need to find a subway exit that has a street name look at google maps, they will have the street name/exit in english. Third google maps will get you pretty much to just about anything, the tall buildings may confuse it at some times, but it will get you there.

    This book has loads of great info and was invaluable to my trip.
  • Previous edition was great and now this has a lot of updated locations and things to do.
  • format warning. The ebook is poorly formatted for Readers. Missing spaces, random replacement characters, poor layout. The information is intact, but the formatting makes reading this ebook unpleasant. For example, Headings with numerals are missing spaces "5Eating" instead of "5 Eating." There are characters that seem randomly included or are a replacement due to missing characters in the font. For example in front of subway lines or subheadins such as "dJR Yamanote" bMarunouchi" and "oCraft Beer". Overall an unpleasant experience.
  • I have used this and and previos versions several times. They give great advice and for Japan they are very accurate. If you are an independant traveler on a budget, someone who doesn’t do tours and stays in expensive hotels, these are great. I have been using LP since the 90’s and they have saved me hundred of dollars and headaches.
  • Very good guide i used for my first trip to Japan. I used it mostly to plan the trip and read about Tokyo. Thanks to the book i could plan alone my trip with my 2 boys. When in Tokyo i also used tripadvisor for reviews .
  • This book was very helpful with lots of useful tips and suggestions that we followed up. The organization of the book was problematic however when walking around and using it on the fly The detailed neighbourhood maps in the back are separated from the description within the book of each area so you had to constantly flip back and forth. They really should put them together. Couldn't have done the trip without it though!
More aboutEbook Lonely Planet Tokyo Travel Guide Lonely Planet Rebecca Milner Simon Richmond 9781786570338 Books

Ebook The Complete Cook Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 America Test Kitchen 9781945256905 Books

By Virginia Zamora on Saturday, June 1, 2019

Ebook The Complete Cook Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 America Test Kitchen 9781945256905 Books

Download As PDF : The Complete Cook Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 America Test Kitchen 9781945256905 Books

Download PDF The Complete Cook Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 America Test Kitchen 9781945256905 Books

Not your average best-of-American-home-cooking cookbook. A new season of great recipes from the hit TV show Cook's Country.

Take a recipe road trip across America with Cook's Country at the wheel and cook along with the TV show. Discover recipes that are foolproof recreations of classic and regional favorites--from small towns to big cities. Season 12 recipes include American classics like Cast Iron Baked Chicken and Grilled Bacon Burgers with Caramelized Onion as well as newly re-created recipes for Monroe County-Style Pork Chops and Drop Meatballs. And revel in 3 chapters of desserts, including Gooey Butter Cake Bars and Blueberry Jam Cake.

In addition to more than 450 recipes for great American food, you'll get information on the origins and inspiration behind many of the dishes. A comprehensive shopping guide lists all of the winning products featured on the TV show.

Ebook The Complete Cook Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 America Test Kitchen 9781945256905 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 816 pages
  • Publisher Cook's Country; Anniversary edition (August 27, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1945256907

Read The Complete Cook Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 America Test Kitchen 9781945256905 Books

Tags : The Complete Cook's Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12 [America's Test Kitchen] on . <b>Not your average best-of-American-home-cooking cookbook. A new season of great recipes from the hit TV show Cook's Country</i>.</b> Take a recipe road trip across America with Cook's Country at the wheel and cook along with the TV show. Discover recipes that are foolproof recreations of classic and regional favorites--from small towns to big cities. Season 12 recipes include American classics like Cast Iron Baked Chicken and Grilled Bacon Burgers with Caramelized Onion as well as newly re-created recipes for Monroe County-Style Pork Chops and Drop Meatballs. And revel in 3 chapters of desserts,America's Test Kitchen,The Complete Cook's Country TV Show Cookbook Season 12,Cook's Country,1945256907,AMERICAN REGIONAL COOKERY,COOKING / Courses Dishes / General,COOKING / Methods / Barbecue Grilling,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / American / General,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / American / Southern States,Cookbooks,Cooking,Cooking/Individual Chefs Restaurants,Cooking/Methods - Barbecue Grilling,Cooking/Regional Ethnic - American - General,Cooking/Regional Ethnic - American - Southern States,Cooking/Seasonal,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,Performing Arts/Television - General,TELEVISION PLAYS AND PROGRAMS,United States,home cookbook; home cooking; summer cookbook; summer cooking; cake; barbacue; grilling; bbq cookbook; potato salad; cooks country 12 seasons; test kitchen cookbook; atk; julia collin davison; ribs; pizza; burger; pie; pancakes; pulled pork; tacos; biscuits; food; fried chicken; southern food; southern cooking; recipe book; recipes; test kitchen; americas test kitchen; cook book; cookbook; cookbooks; cooking; cook's country; cooks country; america's test kitchen,home cookbook;home cooking;summer cookbook;summer cooking;cake;barbacue;grilling;bbq cookbook;potato salad;cooks country 12 seasons;test kitchen cookbook;atk;julia collin davison;ribs;pizza;burger;pie;pancakes;pulled pork;tacos;biscuits;food;fried chicken;southern food;southern cooking;recipe book;recipes;test kitchen;americas test kitchen;cook book;cookbook;cookbooks;cooking;cook's country;cooks country;america's test kitchen,COOKING / Courses Dishes / General,COOKING / Methods / Barbecue Grilling,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / American / General,COOKING / Regional Ethnic / American / Southern States,Cooking/Individual Chefs Restaurants,Cooking/Methods - Barbecue Grilling,Cooking/Regional Ethnic - American - General,Cooking/Regional Ethnic - American - Southern States,Cooking/Seasonal,Performing Arts/Television - General

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PDF So You Want to Start a Podcast Finding Your Voice Telling Your Story and Building a Community That Will Listen eBook Kristen Meinzer

By Virginia Zamora

PDF So You Want to Start a Podcast Finding Your Voice Telling Your Story and Building a Community That Will Listen eBook Kristen Meinzer

Product details

  • Print Length 224 pages
  • Publisher William Morrow (August 6, 2019)
  • Publication Date August 6, 2019
  • Language English

More aboutPDF So You Want to Start a Podcast Finding Your Voice Telling Your Story and Building a Community That Will Listen eBook Kristen Meinzer

Ebook Cracking the Coding Interview 189 Programming Questions and Solutions Gayle Laakmann McDowell 1235264539136 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Ebook Cracking the Coding Interview 189 Programming Questions and Solutions Gayle Laakmann McDowell 1235264539136 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 706 pages
  • Publisher CareerCup; 6th edition (July 1, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0984782869
  • ISBN-13 978-0984782857
  • ASIN 0984782850

Cracking the Coding Interview 189 Programming Questions and Solutions Gayle Laakmann McDowell 1235264539136 Books Reviews

  • This book summarizes in concrete form how the "white tower" side of these companies use these kinds of subjective and unrealistic "entrance exams" to exclude perfectly capable people from their exclusive "club".

    They refuse to standardize on a fair, independent, and common testing system as any other education, or professional industry, already do.

    You can bet that any of their engineers that got in years ago would not readily still pass these tests, as it doesn't represent any normal, day-to-day activity that wouldn't take more time and research to solve.

    You could have 25 years of a successful career at another company with many delivered, production products under your belt, and then find you are nothing more than an idiot not worth hiring after these timed tests.
  • As programming interview prep books go, this one is currently the most popular of the bunch. It's OK, in that you'll find material to practice for the whiteboard interviews that are prevalent at big tech companies. But let's be honest this whole ecosystem is toxic. Here's a lady who worked for a few years at Google (that's right -- she worked for a *few* years, and only interned at those other big names she mentioned), and has parlayed that rather limited work experience into an entire lifestyle business, where she coaches programmers on how to pass interviews. That should tell you something important the interview-prep industry has completely decoupled itself from the actual job of programming!

    I've been writing software for a long time, and I'm competent at my job. I've worked at some well-known companies, and I've interviewed a LOT of people. But I'm here to tell you that even I can't pass one of these interviews without studying. That's a bad thing. If the goal of an interview is to identify competent programmers, we've gone far, far off the rails with these kinds of interviews.

    But of course, that isn't (entirely) the author's fault. She's just a cog in the machine, and profits by perpetuating it. Because the presence of books like these create a vicious cycle prep book gets written; interviewees study/memorize answers; interviewers make questions "harder" to compensate; new book gets written! It never ends. The grinder continues to turn, and whereas ten years ago you could get a good job with some string or linked-list manipulation questions, now you've got people who consider whiteboard coding of topcoder elite questions to be the baseline measurement of programmer competency. That's nuts.

    You'll even run into lazy interviewers who take questions directly from this book, which is the ultimate in stupidity if "good" candidates have prepared from the book, and you ask questions directly from the book, what are you really accomplishing, other than a test of memorization skills? And yet, this is distressingly common. I've seen it myself. I've had recruiters from major tech companies send me pages from this book so that I can "prepare" for their interviews. What now?

    This kind of crap only stops if the more senior amongst us simply *refuse* to do it anymore. New grads have no leverage, so it's up to the rest of us to stand up and demand change. If you work at a company, please, INSIST that your interview process avoid questions from this book. If you interview programmers, please, stick to questions that demonstrate actual day-to-day work competency. And yes, if you're interviewing and you have the leverage, stand up to companies that try to abuse you with this kind of demeaning nonsense.

    If we are to be professionals, we have to demand the career respect afforded to professionals. That includes not being treated like children when we are interviewed.
  • I’m sure this is a good book. However, you would think a book on software would have what language it is focused on readily available. It does not. I had to do research to figure it out... after purchasing it. Very annoying. For your info, its in java. If you’re not a java developer it’s useless til you decide you want to learn java. And by that time you’re probably working and don’t need an interview prep book. PUT THE LANGUAGE ON THE FRONT PAGE
  • This got me through four interviews, and I got an offer from each one. I would recommend this to anyone, with two big provisos (1) if you’re going for a domain specific position like compilers, make sure to read up on those separately; and (2) focus on the Moderate problems. The Hard problems frankly weren’t asked and it was much more important to have the whiteboard coding method down.
  • Proven - no one cares how good you are when interviewing with Major Tech Companies. Your real skills for future work and interview process have close to nothing in common. Everyone in Main Tech looks at how good have you studied this book. I find it awful, but if you want to land such a job - this book is a must. Book itself is good though if you just want to cover/refresh a list of IT topics.
  • I graduated with a CS degree in 2014 and recently decided to find a new job. The first 200 or so pages are a great review for someone who wants to brush up on all of the "must-know" topics such as data structures, search algorithms, algorithmic complexity, sorting, etc. There are a handful of questions specific to each of these chapters.

    After the chapters comes a slough of example interview questions rated as easy/medium/hard, each with hints that interviewers might provide if you were to get stuck as well as a solution.

    Interviewing with companies can be a pretty grueling process so if you want a much better chance of landing the job the first time, I would highly recommend this book.
  • This is obviously the must-have book to prepare for your SWE/SDE interview. I have some small quibbles with how some of the problems were worded, but the level of difficulty is very representative of what the big tech companies are using. You might even run into these questions in your own interviews since Gayle is choosing questions that are popular among interviewers today. If you have time, you should of course pick up an algorithms textbook also. I recommend Skiena's The Algorithm Design Manual and Sedgewick's Algorithms (4th Edition) textbooks. The classic Cormen is too verbose and proof-heavy for the purposes of preparing for an interview.

    The DP solutions in this book are not actually tabular DP formulations--I recommend looking at the problems here http// (Brian Dean's Dynamic Programming Practice Problems). Gayle presents memoized solutions, which are much easier conceptually but not as clean or performant as bottoms-up tabular solutions.
More aboutEbook Cracking the Coding Interview 189 Programming Questions and Solutions Gayle Laakmann McDowell 1235264539136 Books

Download Reiss aus 9783957282873 Books

By Virginia Zamora

Download Reiss aus 9783957282873 Books

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Product details

  • Paperback
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 395728287X

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