Download PDF Finally Focused The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD That Restores Attention Minimizes Hyperactivity and Helps Eliminate Drug Side Effects James Greenblatt MD Bill Gottlieb CHC 9780451496591 Books

By Virginia Zamora on Monday, May 27, 2019

Download PDF Finally Focused The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD That Restores Attention Minimizes Hyperactivity and Helps Eliminate Drug Side Effects James Greenblatt MD Bill Gottlieb CHC 9780451496591 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 272 pages
  • Publisher Harmony; 1 edition (May 9, 2017)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0451496590

Finally Focused The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan for ADHD That Restores Attention Minimizes Hyperactivity and Helps Eliminate Drug Side Effects James Greenblatt MD Bill Gottlieb CHC 9780451496591 Books Reviews

  • I never (well, RARELY) write reviews, but had to for this book. After YEARS of slowly collecting bits and pieces of knowledge, experience, etc. with different supplementation ideas, I was still confused and overwhelmed. Facebook forums are great for sharing stories, but how to know what you should believe? For example, I had heard a lot about Magnesium, and how it has been so helpful to so many, but there are so many different types - I never did figure out which one was the best. I didn't understand WHY it was helpful, how much I should give, what type, what brand, etc. Dr. Greenblatt does a perfect job explaining in easy-to-understand terms, but still clinically (with tons of references to studies performed worldwide), WHY ADHD kids' brains may be responding the way they do, and how it could be corrected. Obviously, every child is different, but he lays it out in a step-by-step format, so you can start with the #1 thing he has seen results from (adding a Magnesium supplement), and work your way through. He explains different tests that can be run for various problems (gut imbalances, food intolerances, vitamin & mineral deficiencies (or imbalances), etc.). If the test reveals a problem, he has a suggestion for how to resolve it. It is everything I have been searching for in one manageable source. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of results can be achieved. My boy (11) has been on ADHD meds for two years, as has been necessary for school. It worked great for keeping him on task and focused, but the side effects of moodiness when they wear off, and lack of growth (and appetite) are enough that we are taking him off for the summer. This book came at the perfect time, we can try out these natural methods and not have to worry about school suffering in the meantime. I will try and remember to update this review if I see any results from any of the recommendations.
  • I thank the authors for bringing this information to a wider audience. Still, I'm glad that I kept researching after reading it. Reading only a couple of chapters of Why Isn't My Brain Working by Datis Kharrazian caused me to scale back my enthusiasm for Finally Focused. By the time I finished Dr. Kharrazian's book, I was convinced that just reading Finally Focused without any other input could encourage an overly simplistic approach to brain health. With more research, it becomes clear that diet changes and balancing blood sugar must come first and that more information is needed before supplementing with vitamins and minerals that have potential for toxicity. Those of us who are sick of doctors treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes must resist the temptation to replace the drug du jour with the supplement du jour. No matter what we put in our bodies, we must thoroughly understand its impact on the complex biochemistry of our brain and body.

    So far I haven't found much information from other sources about nutritional lithium but I am still looking; Finally Focused provides enough information and support for its efficacy that I think it is worth looking into further. Still it’s unfortunate that Dr. Greenblatt placed his blood sugar chapter toward the end of the book. If we all learned and internalized half of the many ways blood sugar imbalance disrupts almost every bodily function from the head down, I doubt we would ever see candy and convenience foods as harmless and fruit juice as healthy. Reading Dr. Kharrazian’s book makes me understand why we need to start with diet changes to regulate blood sugar and get exercise for better circulation. Rather than telling patients to eat well and exercise as an afterthought, all doctors – but especially functional medicine practitioners – should make clear exactly what they mean by that and why it is vital. After addressing glucose balance and getting oxygen to the brain, patients can be properly evaluated for support.
  • My 4-year-old was just diagnosed with ADHD (but we've been living with his symptoms for about three years now), and I ordered this (audio) book because I am insistent on finding natural help for him- I am adamant about not giving him toxic drugs.

    Anyway, my husband and I have only just begun listening to the book, but we are in awe! In fact, I had researched Dr. Greenblatt's recommendations prior to receiving the book (my parents sent me his article in a newsletter that they found- which began my search); and we had already begun Magnesium and Lithium Orotate before we started to learn more indepthly about it via the audio book. Wow! We saw a huge difference in just one day- literally (and keep in mind that this is a 4.75-year-old boy who was expelled from Pre-K4 due to his behavior)!

    Add to that, our son was his former "wild" self one night- a couple of days into implementing the Magnesium and Lithium Orotate- of which we later learned that he did not take his Magnesium supplement during lunch, which I had put in his lunch box for him to take. No wonder he was wild again! Another indication that we're on the right track!

    We can't wait to delve further into the book to hear Dr. Greenblatt's other recommendations for ADHD, to assist our son even further! My only "qualm" with the audio portion of the book is that it's really a must to have a pen and paper available as you're listening, because Dr. Greenblatt gives specific information- specific types and dosages of products, etc.- that you'll need to write down in order to refer back to it for treating your child (or yourself). It would be much easier to have the actual book in front of you and highlight things you'll need to refer back to.

    Thank you SO much for your work, Dr. Greenblatt! And thank you so much for the detailed information you give in your book! From a parent's perspective, it feels like you laid-out in detail in your book exactly what you would have prescribed if we actually had an appointment for our son with you in your clinic in Massachusetts. But this book saves us from plane flights and thousands of dollars in order to travel from Arkansas to your clinic. You have no idea! After years of concern, chaos and tears, we finally have hope! And optimistic hope- without medication (which is KEY for us!). You have NO IDEA how comforting that is... and to see results so quickly! We are in awe, and are are forever grateful! THANK YOU!